Our Roots
Honestly, our story in many ways is fairly generic. Two hard working people meet, a friendship develops, and their love of great beer turns into a business. Blah, blah, blah. We do not want to bore you while propping up some whimsical tale about why our story is so special and how romantic brewing beer is. What is unique is in the details and experiences along the way, the hurdles cleared, hardships endured, friendships created, and all the happy and sad moments that come with life. We would way rather grab a pint and BS about the past, and future.
Beers like Bridgeport IPA, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Mad River Steelhead Double IPA, and Big Sky Moose Drool inspired and fostered our love of craft beer.
Having grown up here in Puget Sound area our whole lives, enjoying the outdoors while respecting Mother Nature has always been important in our lives. We are proud to have been the 1st Craft Brewery in WA to can our beer, a novel idea back in ’09. ‘No more broken glass and heavy trash’ as we said then. Ready for enjoyment in all environments, and all the adventures life throws your direction.
Cheers to all the adventure yet to come. Join us!
Mike & Travis
We have always been driven to craft the best beer we can, and (in our opinion) the true challenge, consistency. Constant innovation is exciting and engaging, but consistent core beers that you can always depend on, is a challenge that equally drives us.
Our approach to beer development is different than most. We outline the desired finished product, it’s appearance, aroma, mouthfeel and then reverse engineer the ingredients and processes to get our desired final product. Knowing and understanding not just individual ingredients characteristics, but how they interact with each other make this possible.

We know how to have some fun while staying true to our mission of quality and consistency with our beer.
To the wizards behind the scenes, behind the taps, and behind the screens: THANK YOU!

An ongoing collection of historic Northwest beer memorabilia.
Our home in the restored historic Heidelberg Brewery facility in Tacoma, WA.